Student film and the 2020 UWPG Film Festival with Miranda Moroz

Ever won­der where your favourite film­mak­er got their start? What your favourite Pixar ani­ma­tors made when they first cut their teeth in the indus­try? Or maybe your pick for best direc­tor ever sin­gle Oscar sea­son? Well maybe you should tune into the 2020 UWPG Film Fes­ti­val to find the next big thing. That way, when some­one every­one thinks is a nobody pops out the next Gold­en Globe nom­i­nat­ed dra­ma, or Oscar-wor­thy doc­u­men­tary, you can snick­er and say, ​“I saw their work when they were in film school.”

On this episode of Let’s Talk About, Jason sits down with film­mak­er and direc­tor of the UWPG Film Fest, Miran­da Moroz, to talk film, fest, and every­thing in between.