Shorts II - Oct. 24th at 6:30pm


Dir. Graydon Eskowich
A surreal/cereal comedy about the most important meal of the day!
Regina, Canada, 1958. Unable to decide what to eat on the morning
of a job interview, a young woman is offered the chance to try a
revolutionary new breakfast food by an eccentric television show host. 
Runtime: 14 mins
University of Regina

Paddling Bobette 
Dir. Aurphee Sotty
While doing their laundry at a laundromat, Claude gets sucked into
a hidden Drag Cabaret. They witness a colourful performance and
emerge transformed from this adventure.
Runtime: 3 mins 27 sec
Rubika College Montréal

Recuerdo (I remember)
Dir. Orian Dorais 
A crew of young hispanic filmmakers meet with a strange old man who is
trapped in time, with the goal of collecting his wisdoms. RECUERDO is a
docu-fiction with realist-magic undertones that take us on a trip
through Central America’s intense history. 
Runtime: 7 mins 54 sec
Unviersité de Montréal

Dir. Nathaniel Jordan Magbanua 
A man reunites his high school friends for a night of UFO hunting, only
to realize his obsession is a way to escape his ordinary life, as a real UFO
goes unnoticed in the night sky.
Runtime: 3 mins
University of Winnipeg

In Confidence 
Dir. Anais Bosse, Odeah Roy 
A love story between two women, portrayed through dance.
Runtime: 8 min
University of Winnipeg

Moon Alone 
Dir. Heejin Kang
Every night, an angel awaits her divine orders alone. When a list of
departed souls appears in the sky, she journeys to meet them, guiding
them toward their heavenly destination. As they become friends, she
cherishes their companionship, yet inevitably, she must bid them farewell,
being left alone once more to await the next souls in need of guidance. 
Runtime: 3 mins 5 sec
Sheridan College

Dir. Kirtiman (Mann) Singh
Athena is a established Virtual Reality (VR) technology developer residing
on a different planet. She is testing a VR prototype in development with a
colleague when she is reminded about conversing with someone on Earth.
As she makes the call, her world view is shattered. 
Runtime: 7 mins 5 sec
Red River College

Dog Thieves
Dir. Ievegen Koshyn
A middle-aged, grumpy neighbour accuses an immigrant girl of stealing his dog.
Runtime: 8 mins

Put The Fun In Funeral 
Dir. Andy Tidman
After losing their childhood best friend, Bet, an unpredictable non-binary
individual, is forced to face their fear of going back to their hometown
to attend the funeral services alone. 
Runtime: 11 min 8 sec
Vancouver Film School

The Things We Hold On To
Dir. Isabel Courtney
A short documentary that explores the personal stories behind everyday items
that keep us connected to the people we’ve lost. 
Runtime: 11 min 7 sec
Humber College